HBCU Transfer Guarantee Project

My community college experience was rather much different than most. I first started my community college journey by going to Chaffey Community College in Rancho Cucamonga in the summer of 2008, just after I graduated from Damien High School. After struggling to just find some stability in my life I then attended Los Angeles Trade Technical College in 2011. Since then I’ve done the best I can with continuing my education but was not able to fully commit to until 2015. With that, I went to Moreno Valley College. My experience at these institutions were beautiful in class; sadly it was life outside of class that was rough. I had trouble just getting to class and buying lunch. I had to work and try to support myself as well as get good grades. I didn’t know when I would finish but I was dedicated to finishing.

It wasn’t until I met a mentor that finally gave me a leg up to where I could afford my own place and be stable that I saw things start to progress to where I could be part of some great organizations, like A2mend, that eventually led me to Bethune-Cookman University. From there I have to say that the administration and faculty have been one of the most supportive systems I’ve seen for myself. It really is a family community.  Getting used to southern culture hasn’t been as tough because I have great people like my professors that are an e-mail away. It’s that kind of love and support that makes me put my heart and soul into helping my school become better and assuring my peers from all over and especially my home in Southern California that BCU is a great school to attend.

HBCU culture is one of evolution surrounded by a familiar environment that will make you remember that you’re not in this journey alone and there are people around that understand and are here to help. It was this reason as well as some great advice from a mentor that led me down the HBCU path. I plan on graduating from Bethune with my Political Science Bachelors, after that I plan on going to law school and then enjoying an illustrious career as District Attorney of Los Angeles or simply represent my community in government so that others may live lives that allow them to reach their potential and make this country even greater! Hail Wildcats!!!

For more information please visit www.cccco.edu/hbcutransfer.

Publish Date: 
Monday, April 30, 2018

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